VetChange is a free online self-management program for active duty military and Veterans who are concerned about their drinking following military deployment. It can help you build skills to better manage your drinking and PTSD symptoms.
With VetChange, you can:
- Decide if it’s time to change your drinking
- Set personal goals to stop or cut back on your drinking
- Track your progress and stay motivated with daily feedback
- Educate yourself about common situations that trigger drinking
- Learn how to cope with stress, sleep problems, anger, and other feelings
In VetChange, you are in charge. You decide how fast you want to go and which goal(s) you want to achieve. VetChange will help you stay motivated by offering weekly feedback, as well as proven tools and tips to help you better manage common drinking triggers like stress, sleep problems and anger.
VetChange is organized around an interactive dashboard. Every time you log in to VetChange, the dashboard makes it easy for you to set goals, track how much you drink, and check in on your progress. You’ll also be able to create your own action plans to deal with people, places, and emotions that trigger you to drink. You can easily access many features from your smartphone or tablet.
Our research supports the effectiveness of VetChange. In 2011, we created the first version of VetChange with support from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. The results from a randomized controlled trial of this early version produced evidence that the intervention helped many Veterans reduce their drinking and PTSD symptoms. The current version was developed by Boston University and VA Boston Healthcare System with support from the National Center for PTSD, and the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
VetChange is a project of VA Boston Healthcare System and the National Center for PTSD, in collaboration with Boston University. Design and programming for VetChange.org was provided by Education Development Center , which hosts and maintains the site with support from Google.